Main Street Blues and Brews Festival
Blues and Brews is a music and craft beer festival that the Gloucester Main Street Association puts on every fall. Regional blues acts play as samples of craft beer are being poured. The idea is to invite people to Downtown Gloucester and expose them to the quant Main Street shops and restaurants. The event is always very memorable.
Creative Art & Design created the marketing campaign for them from the ground up, building a brand with the logo and advertising materials and yet being fluid enough to feature a new poster design every year! Follow Blues and Brews on FaceBook, or visit
Gloucester Virginia puts on Main Street Blues and brews, and creative Art & Design does all the branding and marketing design for it every year. View all the Blues and Brews poster designs in this slideshow.

Another fun opportunity with the first year’s marketing materials was working with Peace Frogs. As a sponsor, they printed the t-shirts and I got to design the t-shirt along with the Frog. What a thrill!
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Creative Art and Design has designed all the posters and other marketing materials for 3 years and counting for this festival. Below you can see the poster designs for each year! Read what they had to say about the work we did for them.

Click on one of the year’s posters below to see the poster large. View all the Blues and Brews poster designs in this slideshow.